Ollie & Quentin Book

Ollie & Quentin Book
125 pages in full colour!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bristol Graphic Paper

This week's nerdy post:
I've always used Rotring Isograph Pens on standard cartridge paper. I need to be able to lay the paper over my pencil rough on a lightbox which is why I've avoided board to draw on. Now I've discovered Bristol Graphic card which is fantastic. Not only is it thin enough to use on a lightbox but the pens don't scratch and bleed into the paper like before. It's beautifully smooth. I used to spend time cleaning up imperfections in Photoshop. Now I hardly get any. Anyone out there still scratching away on cartridge paper with their rotring pen... give this stuff a go.

Oh, it's 250 gsm...Thanks 'hungrydog'

1 comment:

arcticcircle said...

Ooh ooh ooh: this is exciting. I've used Daley Rowney Heavyweight cartridge for years, but they seem to be discontinuing it, which is probably a good thing, as the tooth on it seems to have got worse and my pen nibs keep catching.

One question: what is the gsm of this bristol?